(seme x uke)
Ibuki Kaname (Hatano Wataru) inherits a huge amount of debt due to his dead father’s bankruptcy. One day while hiding from his pursuers, a man alights from a car, approaches him and makes him an indecent proposal. They’re willing to take care of his debt if he agrees to make money with his looks and body. Desperate and tired of running away, he agrees and follows him. They drive him to a mansion and he meets Oumaru Souichirou (Yasumoto Hiroki), the head of a powerful corporation, Oumaru Group. The man orders him to strip naked. Unaware that he has agreed to a contract to become a male prostitute for men, he tries to defy Oumaru but is imprisoned, drugged and subsequently raped. Kaname’s fiery and defiant attitude captures Oumaru’s attention and he becomes a prostitute for his exclusive use.
安元洋貴 x 羽多野渉
Yasumoto Hiroki x Hatano Wataru
借金のために王丸の商品となった伊吹は、反発したせいで娼婦を憎む王丸専属の男娼にされて!? 私の靴に口づけしたくなるまで教育してやろう--システム会社を倒産させ多額の借金を負った伊吹は、すべてを立て替えると言う見知らぬ男の車に乗ってし まった。連れていかれた先は資産家・王丸総一郎の屋敷。そこで伊吹は自分が男娼として働く契約をしたことを知る。反発する伊吹に王丸は酷薄な笑みを浮かべ 「では商品ではなく私専属の男娼にしてやろう」と言い放った。娼婦に憎しみを抱く王丸の愛撫はとてもつらいもので…。差し伸べられた手は救いの手か、それ とも―
Based on a novel by Honjoh Saki 本庄咲貴 and illustrated by Minase Masara 水名瀬雅良.
Ibuki Kaname (Hatano Wataru) inherits a huge amount of debt due to his dead father’s bankruptcy. One day while hiding from his pursuers, a man alights from a car, approaches him and makes him an indecent proposal. They’re willing to take care of his debt if he agrees to make money with his looks and body. Desperate and tired of running away, he agrees and follows him. They drive him to a mansion and he meets Oumaru Souichirou (Yasumoto Hiroki), the head of a powerful corporation, Oumaru Group. The man orders him to strip naked. Unaware that he has agreed to a contract to become a male prostitute for men, he tries to defy Oumaru but is imprisoned, drugged and subsequently raped. Kaname’s fiery and defiant attitude captures Oumaru’s attention and he becomes a prostitute for his exclusive use.